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겨울을 반기는 것들

kk고상 2018. 12. 15. 08:42

겨울은 겁나게 차리는 밥상이다 

   逸麗 고상원



겁나게 차리는 밥상이다

어둠을  밝게
보석으로 만드는
큰 별이다

깨달음을 주고
진리를 낳고
시기 질투를 지우는
큰 별이다

설산에 큰획을 써
진리를 깨우치고
마음에도 진리를 쌓는 겨울이다

추우면 추울수록
외로우면 외로울수록
마음의 뿌리로 내려가
깨달음의 열매 맺으니
겨울은 어둠 속 보석이다


Touch The Winter

  By koh, Sang Won

Touch the winter
Before touch myself
Before touch solitude
Suddenly all memories come down
Never can forget oriole whistle
Never can forget wild flower smile
Have to remember golden paddy created

by sweats, sunshine
Have to overcome the hot and cold environment
By endurance and commitment
Never can forget outcrying
In the summit and solitude

Touch the stupid
Touch lone and ill mom
Touch humanism
Touch memories
With a pleasure amd treatment
Touch the window
Touch soil, river, lake, sea
They will be yours
Winter presents endurance and commitment
Through a touch in the loneness
It is the beautiful perfume

Touch the wild
Touch the cold
Touch the inside

You will see the hot stream

You will recognize the warm mind and love

You will be a hero in the winter