손자 보름달에 추석 보름달에 설악 고상 1 여유로워지고 행복해지고 화해하게 되니 화도 녹아내리고 아픔도 사라지는 추석의 보름달 품고 천진난만한 추석을 맘껏 누리다 2 우리가 하나 되어 축제를 열고 복을 주고 받는 아름다운 날에 받는 한민족 보름달 산,강,호수,들,에 다 비추어 조상님께, 병상에 있는 환자에게, 가난한 사람에게, 복을 주고 극락을 주는 행사 글/손자 2022.09.12
RIPENING FALL RIPENING FALL By SANGWON KOH In the summer Everything Disordered It is the season of fruits created by trial,sweats,agony Through the soil Through the sky Through the heart Fall is ripening Greatly Splendidly Everybody Every fruits Crying out And also making satisfactory results The fall makes every master piece smile So delicious So beautiful So great We can not say How graceful to draw the pic.. 행사 글/영시 2022.09.08
FOUR SEASON BY SANG WON KOH~~자작 영시 FOUR SEASON BY SANG WON KOH Spring Refresh life Green party Green heaven Dream heaven Summer Ordeal begins Cloud begins Heavy rain begins Hot trial begins Overcoming little by little New life born in the hot trial Autumn Surprising fruit begins Pride and fruit begins Maple heaven opens Fruit heaven opens Fruit feast opens Winter Introspection Selfreflection Dreaming the future Overcoming cold wi.. 행사 글/영시 2022.06.15