자연을 노래하는 시선/영자시

UNDER~~ 일려 영자시

kk고상 2019. 9. 23. 18:36



No matter how rich the thing is

No matter how brilliant the things are

Your life has to go under

Undermind finally is to find myself

Who are you?

It's life is under -mind

Whenever rice plants get undermind position

They brighten happily  the field

After overcoming trial and agony

Whenever fluttering

We never forget under-mind

Under is not undertable, underseat,underpeople

Under is the abundant orchard,  ricefield,tree,rich mind

Under gratitude gives happiness and abundance

Underestimated life delivers happiness , wealth and friendship

It perfumes humanism

It delivers love,charity,goodwealth

Every fall

We enjoy it in the paddy field

And thank for them

Fall is the season of Under

Under directs good and evil, consciece and  deceivement correctly

Under loves  ripen rice plants

It perfume golden life

It'perfume is my grandson's black pearl eye


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