자연을 노래하는 시선/영자시

Goodbye, Our Autumn

kk고상 2016. 11. 28. 18:41



       Goodbye, Our Autumn                  

       By Koh,Sang Won 

How long will autumn last?

It will last endless as a jewelry without regret

When it reaches the great success

At the peak of maple

We have to meet autumn jewelries


Goodbye, my angel

Falling down everything

Without a farewell party

Shiny with deep heart


Never forget the impressive smile

Migratory birds fly into the heart

for consoling farewell vacancy

Never forget lovely movement


Nihility and solitude wave every branch

Life is colorful living and a lonely way like honest old trees

Birds shouting loudly for good spirits

whenever chilly and lonely

We singing life together

whenever struggling against failure and farewell

Autumn has presented a glorious life,

human philosophy and bright sunrising

Whenever great colors falling down


Goobye, Our Autumn

Life is frailty

Such is life

But life is a great star

Our autumn is the surprising gift given by heaven star

Never forget autumn

Never forget his impressive gift

Never forget his farewell great party in living soul