자연을 노래하는 시선/영자시

Burst At The Peak

kk고상 2017. 5. 5. 17:36

Burst At The Peak

   By koh, Sang Won





At the peak

It’s the universe feast

   to be loved, celebrated, satisfied

Every tree, mountain, land, flower, people

According to purity, truth, love

It’s the victory given by

   endurance, confidence, enlightenment

Blooming at the peak creates humanism and conviction

Singing at the peak creates fantastic conclusion

   for communication and dream

Smiling at the peak creates respected heroes

   who long for purity, love, truth and

   gather great singing birds

Bursting at the peak

At last blows out angry, regret, tears, roar

At last creates universe feast

According to smiling, blooming, singing

They truly choose themselves over critical others

They create a charming peak

Blooming at the peak creates abundance 

  among our hard lives

*금년은 유난히 꽃 씨알이 선명하고 좋다

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