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Under The Blossomed Maple~~ 가을이 준 위대한 선물은 진실과 사랑이 서린 단풍이다

kk고상 2018. 11. 5. 05:03

Under The Blossomed  Maple

   By Koh, Sang  Won

In the mountain
In the street
In the lake
The maple of truth and love blooms
Their character  gets their own colors
Whenever fresh color waves
Truth and love dance in the sky
Sun I  is in my heart with maples
She is my first love

Whenever maple waves
Truth and love  bloom
Every time  truth and love wave
Make poor people rich
Make  dark people
sweet pleasure
Make ill people
  great laugh
Under the blossomed maple
Sun I waves love and truth

Maple is the beautiful gift
   Given by nature and god
Truth and love are the great charity
   Delivered by maple and fall
Sun I is the great truth and love
   Donated by maple and fall

Every fall
I will be a maple
I will be Sun I
I will bloom  maple flowers
Which tiding over animus, sorrow, pain