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May Is Heaven ~~ 일려 영어자작시

kk고상 2019. 5. 14. 05:15

May Is Heaven  

  By  Koh, Sang Won

No death

No sorrow

No jealousy

No trial

No war

There is only heaven in May

May in Korea is the best heaven in the world

The death and life consisting of one

The happiness and unhappiness also consisting of one

The relation between them only in and out surface

They consisting of one world

May presents  the green heaven

Without death and sorrow

Everywhere has the warm perfume  brought by the new light green

 which  Mozart piano and Beethoven sonata and also classic song flow

Everything enjoys fresh humanism

Everyone enjoys the permanent conscience

May brings to life

The light green heaven perfumes

No dispute

No agony

No dignity

There is only bright communication by
Only humanism

Only conscience

Created by light green perfume In May

There is no dirty  environment

There is only the permanent first love perfume

Finding ourselves brings the honest justice and life

May brings us to find ourselves

May is the  light green miracle

May is the innocent grandson's black pearl eye