자연을 노래하는 시선/영자시

Along Together ~~일려 영자시

kk고상 2019. 5. 22. 14:46

Along Together

  By Koh, Sang Won

Let's run along together

 With  birth and  death

Bright and shade 

 belong to one body

 have the same phylosophy

 run the same way

They behave along together

Between you and me

Between nature and universe

Between nature and birth

Between meeting and departing

Between living and vale

Green party presents more oportunity to think of  life and  death 

Birds and flowers bloom  the fresh Rebirth

They direct the pleasure  to taste their lives

It is the great pleasure  to enjoy the enlightenment  

All  together

Between yes and no

Between  shade and  sunshine

Whenever they find Rebirth
I crying out in the enlightenment

All together

They all teach the fresh innocence

 with my grandson's black pearl eyes

I surrender dancing enlightment

Between death and Rebirth

Let's run with green lives and

Let's dance with death and birth

*지난 5월8일 고모님이 87세에 갑자기 별세하셨고

작년 12월 10일에 늦 손자가 탄생하여

영어 시어로 All Together 와 Birth And Death란 단어가 생각나

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