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A Green Party Melt ~~일려 영자시

kk고상 2019. 6. 16. 08:03

A Green Party  Melt

 By Sang Won Koh

Green party melts in the dark and stiff  stones

Green party dreams full dream which make us  the almighty mountaine

Green party conqers all peaks

The green party in May opens  here and there for poors

It is better than golden party

It is better than flower party

It makes us erase everything sorrowful and tortous

It makes us heartful

It is golden woods against apartment and money

Green party in May presents fresh rebirth

Everytime the green party opens

Everything dances and sings

It is the flower of flowers

The green party conqers a fingure of doom and   the green peak

The green sings golden party

Everyone with him sings the green hero

Silent peal in the earth is great

Green is our great hero

녹음이 다 우거지는 동안

마음에 담아 왔던 것들을

Green Party Melt라는 시어로 표현했다

마음을 굴리고 굴려

여러가지 시어로 표현 하고

급기야 green Hero라 마지막 한마디로 소리쳤다

옮겨온 설악 공룡능선