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오월의 연초록 산이 더 보고 싶어 멀리 영월 정선 산골 까지 찾아갔다

kk고상 2013. 5. 30. 04:15


오월의 연초록 산이  더 보고 싶어

멀리 영월 정선 산골 까지 찾아갔다

촉촉한 비에 젖어

연초록은 더욱 물들어

함껏 마음을 적시고














세상에서 가장 아름다운  새생명 연초록꽃






Upon the top of Spring


          koh, sang won




In spite of old age

I don' know how to live

In spite of golden age

I don't know how to be happy

In spite of teaching age

I don' know where to go

I know nature teaches us how to live

I know May teaches us where to live

We meet the top of Spring

But we always don't be there

We always don't know the climax of Spring

We sometimes pass away every top

We have to catch it every time

We meet green celevration every mountaine in may

It's the most beautiful point in the year

We have to catch the fortune

Every fortune is near

Nature gives us the chance every may