세월호 침몰은 수치스런 참극이다
우리가 저지른 비극이다
깊이 반성하며 깨닫자
다시는 이런 일이 없도록하자
다시 한번 머리를 조아려
고귀한 어린 영령들과 다른 영령들에게
그리고 명복을 빈다
그리고 그 가족들에게 위로를 드린다
이 해가 져물기 전에
그때 울분을 참지못해
뉴욕타임즈와 코리아타임즈 오피니온에 기고한 글을 반추해본다
Let me give so sorrowful message to the world by my own poem
I wish the world gives a heartful message to our families
who lost their loved ones
Crying out in your pain
written by Koh, Sang Won
Let us listen to your voice in the sea
Let us listen to your pray over the heaven under the sea
At the seaside
Will long for you until you come back
Will wait until you bloom your flowers
Let us drag into the sea
We have to meet you anywhere
All together
We have to cry out in your pain
We have to cry out in your anguish
Never forget your crying out for help
Never forget your dream travel to Jeju
Will listen to your voice
Saying, do love, our dears
As soon as possible
We will meet your dream
We will bloom your flower
We will be punished very strongly by God
This is sorrowful Pangmokhang Jindo, Korea
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