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My Life In The Spring ~ 일려 영자시

kk고상 2020. 4. 29. 10:33

My Life In The Spring    


You are the youngest  in the old spring

You are the best member in the old world

To enjoy yourself with nature and flowers

There are nothing but  refresh and splendid

Everything is enjoying with new bird whisper


You and  orioles enjoy new world

There is nothing fearful

There is nothing ridiculous

To find myself

To present first love

To present forgiveness

Everything is the new fresh food

In the new flowers

In the new leaves

In the great sprout

Short but strong sunshine

Sharp but lovely  whisper

Hard but  overcome sunshine

We will enjoy hand in hand

Spring brightens green confidence


Nothing can be broken

Nobody can be out

*행복지수 1위를 넘나드는 코스타리카 인사법으로 잘 될거야 라는 뜻