자연을 노래하는 시선/뜻시

새로운 마음가짐을 위해 다시 영자시를 새기며

kk고상 2013. 12. 22. 16:03



한해를 보내며 새로운 마음가짐에 옷깃을 여미고

Be aware of myself in the winter

written by koh, sang won


Everything stops in front of the winter

Mountain, river, tree go over the present

                                                Sleep into the root , into the basic

They reflect themselves in the root

They try to be aware of the universal root

What is happiness or unhappiness?

Where is myself?

Where are you going now?

What do you have to do in the future?

The water flows river to river

mountain to mountain

Line to line

At last mind to mind

Every winter we have to be aware of ourselves

Every winter we have the chance

We have to wake up for ourselves

The winter gives golden dinner, happy ascetic, great dream

After overcoming hard reflection

After the earth frozen and covered with snow

Wild flowers come over the cold in the spring

Spring comes over the winter

Wild flower blooms fully over the ascetic in the spring

We'll meet a bright light

After passing through the dark tunnel



백두산 높이에서

게스트하우스 원주민의 순수한 히말라야 미소




푼힐 전망대에서 룸 메이트와 함께

5,6년전 사진임다


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